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Project 2025 is the 920-page document by Donald Trump and his allies that spells out what they plan to do during a Trump second term.

Take Action

More and more of America’s workers want to join a union. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. When working people come together in a union, we can negotiate for higher wages, better benefits and working conditions, and we also have a real say in critical workplace issues like time off to care for a loved one, the deployment of technology and protection from all kinds of discrimination.

Sisters and Brothers, 

The new Local 194 GROUP and INDIVIDUAL MOAs have been accepted by 97% of the voters. The Bargaining Committee is proud of this HISTORIC agreement and our members will benefit greatly: Record ATB's Raises of 3.5%, Longevity Step of 3%, a LIVING WAGE, PAY PARITY and enhanced HEALTH BENEFITS for our current members and future retirees. 

Local 194 could not have accomplished this amazing agreement without your support. YOU put the U in UNION. Stay active, educated and engaged in the union so Local 194 can continue to build power and rack up gigantic WINS!

PLEASE REVIEW BOTH AGREEMENTS ON OUR WEBSITE. The link is located in the MENU section under New Local 194 Individual and Group MOA's. 

Please be patient as payroll processes the new agreement, you should see the changes soon and expect retroactive pay within 90 days. Finally, Local 194 will be working on a new PRINT Edition with the NJTA Human Resources Department in the new year. When complete, the Executive Board will make it available to the members. 



Frank was a vice president of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO for 35 years.

As a labor organizer for the American Federation of Technical Engineers which later became known as the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), Frank was instrumental in organizing workers on New Jersey’s toll roads, including the Turnpike and Parkway. He was a leading voice of support for laws giving public employees the right to bargain, and was responsible for Local 194 being the first in the nation to see Martin Luther King Day become a contractually recognized holiday.

Frank was an organizer for the American Federation of Technical Engineers, which later became the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers. He was instrumental in organizing workers on all three of New Jersey's toll roads, as well as New Jersey state highway workers. He spent most of his career representing New Jersey Turnpike workers. Most recently, he served as assistant to the president of Local 194 and as secretary-treasurer and business manager of Local 194A, representing workers at the Burlington Bristol Bridge Commission. He was a vice president of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO for 35 years.

Among his numerous labor accomplishments, he helped separate the Public Employees Retirement System from Social Security, making it possible for workers to receive both. He also pushed to allow unions to collect dues and political action funds through a voluntary dues check-off, and helped public workers receive premium pay for overtime work.

He was one of the first commissioners on the Public Employee Relations Commission. He was a former Democratic State Committee and Middlesex County Committee member. He is a veteran of the Korean War and a member of the American Legion. He was a former member of the A. Philip Randolph Institute and the NAACP.